A motion was proposed in the parliament regarding the future of fur farming

The future of fur farming is being questioned in the Finnish Parliament. A motion was put forward in the Parliament regarding the protection of fur farming animals and the future strategy for fur farming.

The motion was proposed by Saara-Sofia Siren MP from the National Coalition Party (NCP) and signed by Pihla Keto-Huovinen (NCP), Mia Laiho (NCP), Jaana Pelkonen (NCP), Sari Multala (NCP), Juhana Vartiainen (NCP), Tiina Elo (Green League), Atte Harjanne (Green League), Mari Holopainen (Green League), Satu Hassi (Green League), Mai Kivelä (Left Alliance), Mirka Soinikoski (Green League) and Inka Hopsu (Green League).

The motion states fur farming is a diminishing trade in Finland due to major fashion brands ditching fur and changes in the public opinion. Because of the changes in the operational environment, it would be beneficial for the fur farming industry if a strategy would be created for the future of fur farming in Finland.

The motion includes updating the regulations concerning fur farm animals. The regulation would improve animal welfare by setting requirements based on research. These requirements include increasing the size of the cages and making sure all animals have access to drinking water.

There is political pressure from the neighboring countries such as Norway, where fur farming was banned in 2019 and the transition period lasts until 2025.

According to the information received by Animalia, the fur farming regulation would only have some minor changes.

Translation: Sirli Friman

Photo: Andrew Skowron

References (each link will open in a new tab)

Eduskunta.fi 17.6.2020. Toimenpidealoite turkiseläintuotantoa koskevan selvityksen käynnistämisestä

Animalia 16.6.2020. Turkisasetus jäämässä kehnoksi – Animalia avaa vetoomuksen paremman turkisasetuksen puolesta

Animalian vetoomus. Hallituksen on asetettava merkittäviä vaatimuksia turkistarhaukselle

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